ProChem® DCM-LV is a fast drying dual cure photo emulsion. It is highly resistant to Solvent inks, UV ink systems, Plastisol, and short run Water Based inks. DCM-LV is compatible with all ink systems. Diazo is added normally, first by adding room temperature water, agitating, and then adding the solution to the emulsion. Allow the emulsion to stand for at least 2 hours to ensure any air bubbles introduced during mixing are released. Reclaiming ProChem® DCM-LV is easy with CCI Stencil Removers, which are available in concentrate and ready to use formulas.
*Handle in light safe conditions and make sure to store in a cool dry place.
Physical Properties:
- Blue Colored, Also Available In Clear
- Virtually Pinhole & Fish Eye Free
- Extremely Durable For Long Print Runs
- Outstanding Resolution & Edge Definition
- 38% Solids
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